Site icon Joshua's Stage




At Joshua’s Stage A+ is for acceptance, accessibility, and attentiveness for all abilities with our amazing programs.

Engage one on one with participants as needed

Help participants to understand activities

Model how to do activities

Support participants during transition periods from one activity to the next

Monitor and interact with participants during recess

Establish and maintain rapport with the participants, instructors, and parents

Maintain a positive and energetic attitude

Consistently catch participants being good, frequently provide verbal praise

Embrace the program experience as a warm and welcoming environment

You can learn more about volunteering with Joshua’s Stage by contacting Joshua Levy at

“I cannot begin to thank you enough for giving me the opportunity that you did, to work with you guys and the kids. I really needed that experience! It opened my eyes to many of the old and stuck thoughts I had around children with autism and other disabilities. Thank you for allowing me to get out of my comfort zone and try something new. I did not realize how much fun I could have, putting my guard down, and being given permission to be silly!” – Volunteer at Joshua’s Stage

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